Background: A law firm was having difficulty finding the subject of a lawsuit in order to assess what assets he may have for forfeiture. The firm needed to locate the individual in order to recover assets for the victim in the lawsuit and contacted me to assist.
Process: To help the law firm locate the subject of the lawsuit, I performed an in-depth search online. I used various techniques such as searching public records, social media analysis, and Google Street View. I was able to locate a key clue that provided context about the individual's spouse. Through further social media analysis, I was able to fully identify and locate the subject of the lawsuit. This included image comparison of pictures on social media and cross reference with the residence found from public records and Google Street View of the residence.
Takeaway: The law firm was able to use the information I provided to identify potential assets that could be recovered for the victim in the lawsuit. My thorough online search and social media analysis provided the firm with the information they needed to locate the individual, and the assets they may have. This helped the firm to build a stronger case, and ultimately helped the victim to recover the assets they were entitled to. Overall, my process of online search, social media analysis and image comparison helped the law firm to successfully locate the subject of the lawsuit and identify potential assets that could be recovered for the victim.
Phone: (813) 412-5230
Located in Tampa, Florida
Jennifer Cormack Consulting